Thursday, October 29, 2009

Exams and Beyond

Just finished my first paper (International Monetary Economics)...was much easier than the past year papers we practiced on. Even heard that some people managed to get friends of theirs in Melbourne to send them a sample of today's paper (cos the paper is taken earlier in Australia). Damn if that is not cheating i dunno wat it is. Makes you wonder about the quality of our degree.....sigh* Well...guess that is what professional certifications and masters are for... Besides, ultimately, we got to remember and apply what we have learnt or else it don't matter how well we do in school. Its how well we perform in the working world that matters :D

1)Need to complete my resume + various cover letters for various jobs
2) Complete backpacking through Thailand,Cambodia, Vietnam (1month journey of self discovery)
3) Give away/throw all the junk in my home before it really turns into a junk yard ( now its a warehouse)